We are honored and happy to hold this meeting of our congress, which we will organize for the ninth time, on 02-03 October 2024 in Istanbul. At the ninth meeting of our congress, we will again share and discuss different dimensions of violence, subheadings of medicine, social sciences and social problems. We will organize our congress on topics that we will discuss and share in our meeting. With all our good intentions, we hope that our congress will be beneficial for all participants and contributing to the field. Our congress meets the criteria for associate professorship, especially the academic incentive criteria. We would like to thank all our professors who provided scientific support, especially the technical team who took part in the ninth meeting of our congress, and wish all participants and scientists good luck to meet at our congress.


Prof. Dr. Ümran SEVÝL

Congress Chairman

Hasan Kalyoncu University

Prof. Dr. Gülsen DEMÝR

Congress Co-Chairman

Retired Academic Member